Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March Madness, Donation Style

It is mid March, time for spring weather, St. Particks Day and the NCAA basketball tournament. This year Razoo has a competition for nonprofits going on called March Goodness. The game? Who can raise the most donations.

The minimum donation is $10, which won't break the bank for most people. The prizes for your favorite nonprofit:
$10,000 GrantFor the non-profit with the most donor supporters
$3,000 Grant For the non-profit with the 2nd most donor supporters
$2,000 Grant Lucky draw among all the non-profits that have at least 50 donor supporters
$1,000 Grant Lucky draw among all the non-profits that have at least 10 donor supporters

The think I like most is that most of the nonprofits are on the smaller side and probably getting overlooked in this economy. I am still trying to decide where to put my money but will make a few donations before the end of the month. Let me know if you have any favorites!



Anonymous said...

Oh what an awesome way to celebrate the madness of March! I'd go with a smaller charity also. And while I am a big animal lover, I like supporting organizations that have a personal aspect to it. But that's just me.

Good luck with your bracket! And may the best team win...coughDUKEcough. ;)

DINKS said...

dang, i wish i would have seen this sooner - just signed up to my 3rd and last bracket :( all of which would only benefit me! haha...

good for you though. and i'll hope Pitt does well for ya too! i'm going for some others, but it's all good either way as my school is always out. So GO PITT!